Dr. T.J. Tejera Receives the Distinguished Service Award
Dr. T. J. Tejera was honored at the FSOMS Annual Meeting by FSOMS President Ramon Ruiz with the Distinguished Service Award in recognition of his service on the Florida Board of Dentistry. Dr. Tejera was recently elected Chairman of the FBOD Board.
Also recognized were Dr. Chad Marshall as Committee Chair of the Year for his work on the Society’s finances, Dr. Salam Salman as the Young Eagle (future leader) and Dr. Richard Mufson, recipient of the Presidents’ Award for his lifetime contributions to FSOMS and the specialty.
Dr. Ruiz was presented the Presidential Plaque for serving FSOMS President 2016-2017 by President Elect Dr. Thomas Bowers.
Meet the FSOMS Leadership
The following were elected to serve FSOMS in the coming year:
President President-Elect Vice President Treasurer (serving 3 year term ending in 2020) Immediate Past President Trustees (3 year terms ending in 2020) |
Dr. Tom Bowers Dr. Dan Gesek Dr. Chad Marshall Dr. John Hardeman Dr. Ramon Ruiz Dr. Chris Johnson (2nd Term) Dr. Russ Walther (1st Term) Dr. Bill Storoe (1st Term) |
Trustee (to fill the unexpired term of John Hardeman ending in 2018) |
Dr. Mark Tucker |
AAOMS Delegates (2 yr. terms ending 2019) | Dr. Dan Gesek Dr. Lance Grenevicki Dr. Don Tillery |
AAOMS Alternates (2 yr. term ending 2019) | Dr. Greg Grantham Dr. Todd Reuter Dr. Salam Salman |
New Members:
- Raphael Ason, DMD, MD: Kissimmee, FL
- Anthony Bunnell, DMD, MD: Jacksonville, FL
- Kroum Dimitrov, DMD: Miami, FL
- Ross Freeman, DDS: University Park, FL
- Carlo Guevara, DDS, MD: Gainesville, FL
- Kevin Hall, DDS: Ft. Myers, FL
- Eli Oppenheimer, DMD: Surfside, FL