FSOMS Annual Meeting Orlando
Over 60 FSOMS members attended our 2018 Annual Meeting in Orlando. The weather was perfect and a great way to close out the summer in the south. Our meeting opening with our Board meeting and the Executives got right to work.
We also elected 9 new candidates to the FSOMS. Welcome new members: Christopher Chafin, DMD, MD; Danielle Freburg-Hoffmeister, DDS, MD; John Landis, DDS; Anthony Massaro, DMD, MD; Jose Montero, DDS; Brian Sybo, DDS, MD; Scott Roemer, DMD, MD; Mark Turner, DDS; and Vanessa Watts, DMD
We honored several members of the FSOMS as well:
Dr. Chad Marshall won the Young Eagle Award | Dr. William Storoe won the Committeman of the Year Award | Dr. David Thompson won the Presidential Award |
Dr. Howard Fisher won the Lifetime Achievement Award | Dr. Fisher’s wife, Irene was also celebrated with her contribution and support to the FSOMS | Incoming President Dr. Dan Gesek accepts the gavel from outgoing president Dr. Tom Bowers |
Dr. Tom Bowers’ presidential year was celebrated |
We are grateful to our exhibitors and sponsors for your support of our meeting. |