Register now for Day on the Hill
Funding Opportunities Available!
WHEN: March 25-26
WHERE: Washington, D.C.
WHY: To protect and advance the OMS specialty!

Please support AAOMS advocacy efforts and the specialty by joining OMS colleagues from across the country in Washington D.C. on March 25 and 26 for AAOMS’s 24th Annual Day on the Hill, the Association’s premier grassroots advocacy day. With over 50 new members in the 119th Congress who will need to be educated about the specialty, the importance of this unique opportunity to represent the specialty and connect with key legislators cannot be overstated.
Watch what two recent participants had to say following their experiences attending this annual advocacy event.
To ensure our state is well represented at this event, let’s turn out in numbers. Please register today and encourage a colleague to join you!
AAOMS will cover roundtrip airfare and one night’s hotel accommodations on a first-come, first-served basis for a limited number of AAOMS fellows and members who have not attended an in-person Day on the Hill within the past five years.
No advocacy or political experience is required. AAOMS Staff will ensure you are well-equipped to meet with members of Congress and their staff.
If you have any questions, please contact Paula Kantas at or 847-233-4392.
Visit for more information.